

   Pei-Chun Lin (林沛群)

        Distinguished Professor

        Mechanical Engineering

        National Taiwan University


        No.1 Roosevelt Rd. Sec.4

        ME, Eng. Bldg., room 503-3

        Taipei, TAIWAN

        Phone: +886 2 3366 - 9747

        Fax:      +886 2 3366 - 9914



    Welcome to my personal website. Here, I will briefly include some information about my academic history, research works, and some of my personal "nonacademic" activities that I would like to share with you.

      You are welcome to start from any part of this website; personally, I would recommend going to the "gallery" first (camera icon on the left sidebar). In general, this is the area most people want to see. There are several thousand photos inside. If you are crazy about robotics like me, "research" may be a good choice.

      Enjoy it,  my friends...^_^


     Comments are very welcome...



林沛群 特聘教授  國立臺灣大學 機械工程學系

  台北市10617羅斯福路四段一號 機械系工綜503-3室

  電話: (02) 3366-9747

  傳真: (02) 3366-9914
